Tail call optimization (or tail call elimination) allows recursive functions to re-use the stack frame instead of creating new frames on every call.
Thanks to that an author of recursive function in tail position is not constrained by the stack size.
More over such a function runs faster than the function without optimization, because calling a function doesn’t create a new stack frame which is time
and resource consuming operation.
In order to compile a given source code using static linking
-- Main.hsmain=putStrLn"Hello World!"
there is a need to pass two additional flags to ghc like
$ ghc -optl-static -optl-pthread --make Main
$ file Main
Main: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1(SYSV), statically linked,
for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=62d1682f378af2f994758e737ba9dc0b24fc06aa,
with debug_info, not stripped
In a post About Monads - a gentle introduction
I have introduced a concept of monad. Since now we should have a good
intuition what monad is and be aware of the situations where
it can be used to simplify the code and make it more readable.
In this post we will focus on an Option monad which wraps value in a context
aware of whether or not the value exists. We will start with a problem and solution
not exactly suiting our needs and by adapting Option monad we will try to fix this.
There are 3 streams of numbers given as a strings.
Our task is to build a pipeline that generates a stream of Doubles
which is a result of division one number by another in a sequence in the
context of the same tuple.
It means that the pipeline for a stream described as
[(x1,y1,z1), (x2,y2,z2),...(xn,yn,zn)]
should generate a stream of numbers given by formula mentioned below
[(x1/y1/z1), (x2/y2/z2),...(xn/yn/zn)]
This problem can be solved using following scala code
objectDivModule{defparse(x:String):Double={if(x==null){thrownewIllegalArgumentException("arg can't be null")}x.toDouble}defdiv(x:String,y:String,z:String):Double={if(x==null||y==null||z==null){thrownewIllegalArgumentException("(x | y | z) can't be null")}valxx=parse(x)valyy=parse(y)valzz=parse(z)if(yy==0||zz==0){thrownewIllegalArgumentException("y or z can't be 0")}xx/yy/zz}}
For a streams of numbers defined at the beginning we should get
The numbers are correct, but take a look on implementation of a parse
and div functions. Those functions are not total. In functional world a function
which is not total is called partial. A partial function is not defined
for all values passed as its arguments.
For a first look this solution would seem to be good, but what about all
variations of streams for which pipeline could return -1 as a correct result ?
For example, when we change fifth number in zs from 3 to -3
This is wrong and changing a default value in lift function doesn’t
fix this, because for each such case we can find a counterexample where
a correct value is filtered out. It is easy to prove that div function
returns numbers from the whole Double space. In category theory there is
a name for such functions (morphisms) - epimorphisms.
And here an Option monad comes to the rescue.
Option monad
In order to implement an Option monad let’s start with defining a data type
Option is an algebraic data type constructor parametrized with A in a co-variant
position. We can think of an Option[_] like about container keeping
a value. For now it has no context.
Let’s assigned a context to it by defining a value constructor called Some
This constructor introduced a context of container with a none empty value.
A context meaning no value (empty container) can be defined with None
None reveals why we need a type parameter A to be in co-variant position -
we simply requires None to be cast to any Option[A].
Recalling a definition of Monad we know that it consists of three parts:
type constructor M[A]
type converter (called unit, pure or return)
combinator (called bind, >>= or flatMap)
First part is fulfilled. Now we have to implement type converter - pure
pure is a function which is responsible for putting a given value
to the minimal meaningful context. For Option we requires that each
non null value should be bind to the Some, in other case
it should be None.
The toughest to implement is a combinator function called flatMap. For
an Option it is very easy task however.
Thanks to the flatMap we are able to get a value from container, abstracting
whether or not the value exists or not, and apply a map transformation
deciding if we want to put the result again or replace container with an empty one.
Putting all parts together we can define Option monad in scala in the following way
Argument and return type has been lifted respectively to
the Option[String] and Option[Double] type. You can spot
that I have used flatMap to have an access to the String value and
based on the toDouble operation I returned some Double value or nothing -
in case of parse exception. When an argument x is None the function
passed to flatMap is not executed - so I am sure that String passed
to monadic function is not null and I don’t have to make awkward null checks.
String arguments has been lifted to the Option[String] and return type
is now Option[Double].
An x argument is passed to the parse and finally we have Double
value in xx variable. If parse returns None then
the whole function div is evaluated to None.
For y and z things works almost the same with one difference - we additionally requires that
yy an zz must be none zero. This is expressed by calling flatMap
with function zeroToNone. For 0 value zeroToNone returns an empty
container None which causes that the whole expression parse(y).flatMap(zeroToNone)
is evaluated to None what moves div function to return None.
In functional programming monad is a design pattern which is used to
express how states of computations are changing. It can take a form of some
abstract data type constructor with two abstract functions.
In scala we can define this contract using Monad type class
Functions pure and flatMap for a given monad M[_] have to follow
some laws - I will talk about them later.
Function map can be defined
in terms of flatMap and pure and this is a bonus which we get for a free
when we provide an instance of a Monad for a type M[_]. Moreover many useful
functions can be defined in terms of flatMap and pure like map2, ap,
filter and so on. This interface is so powerful then often is treated
as a primitive one when goes to implement other functions.
We can think about M[A] like about some smart container
for a value (values) of type A. This container abstracts away from how this value
is kept. We can have many flavors of them like container:
aware of whether or not the value exists
with more then one value
for which getting the value would trigger some kind of IO operation
with value which eventually could appear in future
with value or error
with value dependent on some kind of state
with value and some logging information
Monad let us focus on what we want to do with the contained value. Monad is
like a context in which the value exists. When we want to do some computation
we are abstracting over the context so we aren’t disrupted whether or
not the value exists, we have many of them or the value may appear in a future.
We want just to get the value out of the container for a moment to make
some computation and then put it there again. The context is important only when
we want to pull out a value permanently.
Another advantage of the monad is an ability of sequencing the computations.
Having let’s say two computations we can very easily make dependence
between them saying that the computations of the second depends on
a result of the first. Of course this can be scaled to more than two.
At first glance, it may seem to be not so impressive because it is
very common to make such things during coding. But be aware that monad
frees us from thinking about the context in which the value exists. The context
can be for example an asynchronous computation. Dealing with concurrency
is challenging - we have to be very careful to not make a hard to spot mistakes.
Monad takes care about this complexity, providing a result of the
first computation as soon as possible giving us possibility to
spawn another computation in asynchronous manner.
Each monad needs to follow three laws
Left identity: return a >>= f ≡ f a
Right identity: m >>= return ≡ m
Associativity: (m >>= f) >>= g ≡ m >>= (\x -> f x >>= g)
These laws was taken from haskell because expressions there are very compact and
easy to follow. Function >>= in scala maps to flatMap, return is
just a pure, f x is an application of function f with x and the
last one \x -> ... is a lambda expression.
Laws in scala can be written in a following way (using ScalaCheck)
valmonad=implicitly[Monad[M]]property("Left identity: return a >>= f ≡ f a")=forAll{(a:A,f:A=>M[B])=>(`return`(a)>>=f)===f(a)}property("Right identity: m >>= return ≡ m")=forAll{m:M[A]=>(m>>=`return`)===m}property("Associativity: (m >>= f) >>= g ≡ m >>= (\\x -> f x >>= g)")=forAll{(m:M[A],f:A=>M[B],g:B=>M[C])=>((m>>=f)>>=g)===(m>>=(x=>f(x)>>=g))}val`return`:A=>M[A]=monad.pure_privateimplicitclassMonadOps[A](m:M[A]){def>>=[B](f:A=>M[B]):M[B]=monad.flatMap(m)(f)}
If you are curious about implementation details take a look on this class
Flavors of monads
This section is a placeholder for a list of posts about monads mentioned in
this article. I will try my best to deliver a missing content. Watch my blog
for an update.
In a previous post
I introduced monad transformers and since now we should have a good feeling
about their usage and how they can be helpful.
Designing a monad transformer we decided to fix inner most monad. This
decision was dictated by the fact that we couldn’t replace code dependent
on internal representation of that inner most monad. I think that this step
could not be as obvious as I expected to be. And now I will try to
make it more clear.
Let’s try to bite the problem from different side. Assume that we can write
a monad transformer and know nothing about monads internal representation.
Let’s call it CMonad (shorthand from ComposedMonad).
In order to make compiler happy we need to take one step more - extract
G[B] from F[G[B]] and return that value from inner most flatMap.
This of course is not possible knowing only that F and G form a monad.
So far so good - quite simple and classic enterprise task :)
However there are two caveats to this solution worth noting. What happened
if there is no such user or the user exists but it has no address ?
It is obvious that we will see Null Pointer Exception - sick !
Of course we can filter out those nulls and rewrite functions to be aware of
them but as you already know this is also not a good solution. Can we
do better ? Yes we can, let’s introduce a context aware
of whether value exists or not (Option data type).
It turns out that Future and Optionmonads do not compose in such a way.
For a first look, composition looks very natural in for comprehension,
but if we transform it into series of flatMap and map at the end, we
will notice that the puzzles don’t feet. If we start with Future than the
function passed to flatMap must return a Future. In our case we want
to return Option in the middle and based on it return a next Future
being a container fo an user’s possible address.
Equipped with this knowledge we can rewrite our function in the following
Now it compiles and return correct results. But it is not as readable as
our first naive attempt. Can we do better ? Ideally we would want to have
something like
We need somehow to fuse Future with Option in a smart way to make
the composition possible.
Fusing Future with Option
We already know that for comprehension deals with flatMap, map,
withFilter and foreach. In our case compiler needs only flaMap and map
to de sugar for. So let’s introduce a new data type OptionFuture,
which wraps Future[Option[A]] and in a proper way handles
flatMap in order to compose Future with Option.
Take a little time to better look at OptionFuture data type.
First question coming to my mind is - can we make it more abstract ?
It turns out that we can abstract over Future very easly. In terms
of Future we are calling only two kinds of functions:
It means that Future can be swapped with Monad.
What about the Option ? Over the Option we are performing pattern matching
- so it means that we need to know something about it structure.
And because of that we can’t to abstract over it.
This leads us to the definition of monad transformer for Option and
we call it OptionT
OptionT[F[_], A] abstracts over F and A and it only requires that F
is a monad. The name of the monad transformer comes from the fact that,
in order to implement this wrapper, we need to know what the inner
most monad in the stack is - in this case Option. Without this knowledge
we can’t compose any two given monads with itself.
Monad quick recap
A minimal api for monad can be described by following trait
At the beginning I said that I have two cases to show, but because the
post could be to long to go through without a brake I decided to split it
into two pieces. The whole code base used in this post can be found in
the following link